Vulnerability management

A vulnerability scan helps you determine where in your IT infrastructure potential attack surfaces for hackers can arise
Produktbild Schwachstellenscan / Schwachstellenmanagement

Blueteam offers its customers continuous and fully comprehensive vulnerability management that integrates easily into your IT security organization. The basis of our service is regular (if necessary also one-time) vulnerability scans with a Greenbone vulnerability scanner. This "state-of-the-art" vulnerability scanner is equipped with the latest security feeds, which can detect even the most recently publicized vulnerabilities in software and hardware.

For customers who are simply looking for a state-of-the-art vulnerability scanner, we offer physical and virtual appliances from Greenbone. Contact us and we will clarify the requirements with you and recommend the right product for you.

In addition, we offer a Vulnerability scanner from the cloud without any additional hardware or software. Simply register, accept the terms and conditions, and you're ready to scan.

Scan directly from the cloud

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We work with you to determine your needs and the best protection for your business.

Our services


Identify weaknesses and risks


Strengthen IT security measures


Detect and analyze cyber attacks


Fend off attacks and restore IT

Our manufacturers